college week icon

PHS will be observing College Application & Exploration in several ways next week:

Dress up days: (These are for students and staff who wish to participate)

Tuesday:  Your Future Starts Now (wear your favorite college gear)

Wednesday:  Dress for Success (wear your best interview outfit for your future job)

Thursday:  College Day (wear college, technical school, or military attire)

Friday:  Career Day (Dress up as your future self)

The following events will also be taking place next week as well:

 Tuesday, November 2—Eastern WVCTC will be here at 8:30am to register students for Spring semester college classes

Tuesday, November 2—PSC financial aid representative will be here at 5pm for financial aid information and FAFSA workshop for Seniors/parents

Wednesday, November 3—Potomac State College representative will be at PHS at 11:15am to meet with Seniors

Thursday, November 4—Army recruiter will be here during 11th-12th grade lunch (will have a table set up if students want to talk with him)