Congratulations to the Colts on their undefeated season!
over 3 years ago, Petersburg Elementary School
Upcoming Event: The 50th Day of School will be on Nov. 1, 2021. We would love to see some fabulous 50s costumes!
over 3 years ago, Petersburg Elementary School
Our students enjoyed shopping at the Farmer's Market today.
over 3 years ago, Petersburg Elementary School
Farmer 2
Farmer 3
October Newsletter
over 3 years ago, Petersburg Elementary School
October Newsletter
Communities in Schools information
over 3 years ago, Petersburg Elementary School
slide 1
slide 2
School pictures have been rescheduled for October 20, 2021.
over 3 years ago, Petersburg Elementary School
Pic 2
School pictures are cancelled for tomorrow, September 23. They will be rescheduled. If you paid for your pictures online, your order will still be honored when the new date is set.
over 3 years ago, Petersburg Elementary School
First Leadership Team Meeting is in the books!
over 3 years ago, Petersburg Elementary School
School Pictures are scheduled for September 23, 2021
over 3 years ago, Petersburg Elementary School
picture day
picture day 2
September Lunch
over 3 years ago, Medea Harvey
sept lunch
September Breakfaast
over 3 years ago, Petersburg Elementary School
sept break
August Lunch Menu
over 3 years ago, Petersburg Elementary School
August Lunch Menu
This information is for chromebook insurance if you choose to purchase it for your child's chromebook.
over 3 years ago, Petersburg Elementary School
chrome book insurance
Bus Schedule
over 3 years ago, Medea Harvey
Bus schedule
PES HANDBOOK ADDENDUM (In response to COVID-19) Arrival • First bus arrives at 7:15. Students arriving from 7:15 to 7:30 will report to the gym/cafeteria and be assigned to seating pods. • Three teachers will be assigned duty to manage this daily on a rotating basis. • At 7:30 homeroom teachers will report to the gym/cafeteria and take their students to their classroom. • Grab and Go breakfasts or a hot breakfast item will be available for each student to get before walking to their homeroom. • 7:30 to 8:00 students will eat breakfast and complete activities as directed by teachers. • Students that arrive between 7:30 and 8:00 will be directed to homerooms by school staff. Instructional Day • Begins at 8:00 Lunch • Students will enter the cafeteria by classroom and be spaced appropriately in line and monitored closely. • Students will be seated in the cafeteria according to a seating chart. • Entry and exit locations and procedures will be established. • Students will be supervised by classroom aides and principals in the cafeteria and on the playground. • Grade levels will alternate eating in the cafeteria and recess on the playground during lunch shifts. • First shift grades K, 1st, 2nd (11:00 – 11:45) K and 1st grades will eat in the cafeteria the first half of the lunch shift while 2nd grade has recess on the playground. 2nd grade will eat the second half of the shift with K and 1st having recess. • Second shift grades 3rd and 4th (11:45 – 12:30) 3rd grade will eat in the cafeteria the first half of the lunch shift while 4th grade has recess on the playground. 4th grade will eat the second half of the shift with 3rd grade having recess. • Third shift grades 5th and 6th (12:30 – 1:15) 5th grade will eat in the cafeteria the first half of the lunch shift while 6th grade has recess on the playground. 6th grade will eat the second half of the shift with 5th grade having recess. Recess • A recess schedule will be developed that allows for each grade level to have a fifteen to twenty-minute recess throughout the day. • Times will be staggered and no more than one grade level will be on the playground at any given time throughout the day. • Exit and entry doors will be established for grade level recess times. Dismissal • Early bus dismissal will be at 2:45. Students will be dismissed by grade level. • Parent pickup students will be dismissed at 2:55. • Multiple exits will be assigned and utilized during dismissal. • Late bus students will stay in classrooms under the supervision of their homeroom teacher until late bus is called. • Non-homeroom teachers will monitor hallways and the bus circle during the duration of dismissal. • The last bus will depart from PES at approximately 3:20 each day. • Teachers will be dismissed at 3:30. Enrichment • The enrichment schedule will remain the same. • However, enrichment teachers will return students to their homeroom five minutes early to allow time to disinfect as necessary prior to getting their next class. Safety Precautions • Social distancing and frequent hand washing will be stressed throughout the day by both staff and students. • Students will use water bottles in the classroom. • Assigned seating will be implemented in classrooms, cafeteria, and buses. • Disinfecting will take place at the end of each day and throughout the day as deemed necessary. • High traffic areas will be disinfected continuously throughout the day as needed by custodians. • The school nurse will be utilized as necessary for temperature checks, etc.
over 3 years ago, Petersburg Elementary School
If you have the symptoms below, let your parents or teacher know.
over 3 years ago, Petersburg Elementary School
Stay Home
New student registration dates
over 3 years ago, Grant County Schools
Grant County Schools Announces new Student Registration Date. New student registration will be July 27, 2021 from 9:00 - 3:00 at each school for students who are not currently enrolled in Grant County. Listed below are items needed for registration day. If you have questions, please call the Grant County Board of Education office at 304-257-1011. Required Items for Registration: - State Certified Birth Certificate, - Social Security Card, - Immunization Record, - Documentation with Proof of Residency (electric/water bill, rent receipt), - Complete address and phone number of school transferring from