Tier I Supports are available to ALL students. Tier I Supports are widely available services designed to foster a positive school climate and address school-level risk factors. Tier I Supports can be considered having school-wide celebrations such as pizza parties for having good monthly attendance, movie nights, Trunk-or-Treats, recognizing student's birthdays, end of school year bash, assemblies, student salute, Viking Pride, grab and go care centers, clothing, food etc.
When Tier II or Tier III Supports are identified to be case managed an additional Parent/Guardian Consent Form will be sent home. Tier II Supports are targeted services typically provided in a group setting to students with a common need. For example, this could be providing a small group with tutoring for reading or math, a small group of students that meet who have absence problems or even social skill issues.
Tier III Supports are intensive, individualized services typically provided in a one-on-one setting to students with highly specific needs. Examples would be providing one-on-one supports to students to provide emotional support, academic supports, specific skill building.
We want to include all students in Tier I Supports. If you are a parent/guardian and opted your child out of the Community in Schools program and you want your child to participate in Tier I activities, you may contact your child’s school and provide a written letter stating they may participate in Tier I activities.