Your child has been identified as being a contact on ______ to a person that tested positive with COVID and must be isolated from others and will not be able to attend school until cleared.
There are 2 options for quarantine.
- 10 days (back on 11th day) after last exposure if you choose not to test.
- 7 days (back on 8th day) “test out” earlier test 5 days after last exposure (exposure is day 0 and if negative you may be out of quarantine AFTER the 7th day). This cannot be an at home test, this must be a test that we receive the results from the facility.
The Contact should stay away from others (even in the home) as much as possible to prevent spreading the virus if becomes positive. Contacts that are within 6 ft for 10-15 minutes or more can be infected. Staying more than 6 ft away is best.
Household members of a CONTACT do not have to quarantine unless the Contact develops COVID (becomes symptomatic, or tests positive).
Monitor each day frequently for symptoms. Symptoms may be a headache, runny nose, cough, sore throat, LOSS OF TASTE or smell, diarrhea, fever. Symptoms may take up to 14 days to show symptoms, but most show within the first week. Please notify the Health Department if symptoms develop or if you have questions.
Testing may be done:
- Free State Testing is available on Tuesdays 11-5 and Fridays 11-3 at the City Parking lot.
- GMH from 6-9 am or 6-9 pm Mondays and Thursdays. Call 304-257-1026 ext. 5 and they will come to your car.
- Grove Street Health Center 304-257-2451 by appointment only.
- Mountain Top Medical Center 304-693-7616 by appointment only.
Sandria L. Glasscock, RN