Summer Foods

Grant County Schools is pleased to announce we will be offering summer food packs for children ages (2-18 years old) to be delivered directly to the child’s home.  The program will begin June 1, 2024 and end August 10, 2024.  Food packs will be provided from Innovation Foods out of Ohio.  Food packs will contain items, such as chicken nuggets, chicken tenders, mini corn dogs, along with vegetables, fruit and shelf-stable milk.  Each meal pack is sent frozen with frozen ice to hold temperature during transit.  A thermometer, along with information on handling your child’s 10 day meal pack is included.

Your child’s meal pack will arrive from UPS.  First, please check the thermometer prior to consuming.  Should you meal pack arrive out of temperature please contact 1-440-580-4800 to arrange for a replacement meal pack.

Please note that students attending Grant County Summer School Program or Energy Express cannot participate while the programs are running as they will be participating in the USDA Summer Meals Program while at school.

If you would like meal packs between June 1, 2024, through June17, 2024 or July 27, 2024 through August 10, 2024, please contact Tamera Gossard (304) 257-1011 Ext 119, to make arrangements.  Sign up by May 23, 2024, to receive your first meal pack on 6/1/24.  If you miss the initial sign-up, you can be added to the meal pack delivery by signing up by each Thursday.  Once signed up no further action is needed. 

Thank you, we look forward to supporting your student’s nutritional needs during the summer break.

 Sign up using this link:   Food Box Sign-Up

**Directions on completing the form to register for food packs.

Column A: Allergy - We will be offering Gluten Free and Dairy Free. Please write them just like that, if needed. It is important that they are not shortened to Gluten, Veg, Diary, etc. 

Column B: Name - First Name and Last Name please

Column C: through G:  Shipping Address

Column D: Address 2 - This should only be used for apt #, unit # etc, if needed

Column H:  Contact phone number

Column I: Country Code - This should always be 1. Required by FedEx

Column J:  Confirmation email

Column K:  School the child attends.